The ultimate coffee experience ROASTED TO PERFECTION a

Wholesale Inquiry

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Thanks for your interest in our products. If you are a cafe, restaurant or specialty retailer and would like to know how to become a Lake Murray Coffee Roaster wholesaler, please fill out the contact form to request additional information about our products and the latest wholesale prices. Once we receive your inquiry, we try our best to contact you within three business days. If you are an existing wholesale customer and need to place an order, please use the preferred methods of contact.

    We roast DAM good coffee!


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    Lake Murray Coffee Roasters is the premier choice for locals who are seeking the ultimate in coffee experience. With small batch organic beans roasted, LMCR offers the discriminating coffee connoisseur the ultimate blend of science and art.

    With our coffee roasted on-site and with the process closely monitored by Michael, nothing compares to the freshly roasted quality. Try for yourself and taste the difference!
